Book Review Ten Men Smugglers Owlers and Men of Kent


V and twenty ponies,
Trotting through the dark -
Brandy for the Parson, 'Baccy for the Clerk.
Them that asks no questions isn't told a lie -
Spotter the wall my darling while the Gentlemen go past!

Office of the verse form The Smugglers Song by Rudyard Kipling

Flick courtesy of Terry Anthony ►
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Terry Anthony's Smugglers Country

Blue line


Romney Marsh was said to be the birthplace of smuggling in southern England. The fertile state reclaimed from the ocean fabricated fine grazing for hundreds of thousands of sheep, and the export of the wool from their backs was for centuries both highly taxed and badly policed — well-nigh an open invitation to smuggle. Read well-nigh the Romney Sheep

Illegal wool exports from the Marsh probably started the very starting time 24-hour interval that restrictions were imposed: in 1275 the government introduced a taxation of £3 a bag on wool leaving England. This was doubled in 1298, and successive administrations tinkered with the laws and duties according to their need for funds. It was made illegal to consign wool from other than designated ports in an attempt to protect our own clothing trade.

Wool smuggling from Romney Marsh fluctuated in response to the laws, and to market forces; high demand at abode meant in that location was less incentive to smuggle. In the 15th century, though, the opposite happened, and as wool prices fell, the producers found information technology harder to make a living from the home market. The expansion of smuggling was inevitable.

The Ship
'The Ship'

It was in the 17th century that the problem assumed epidemic proportions, and attention was focused firmly on Romney Marsh as the centre for the merchandise. In 1698, the Act to Prevent the Exportation of Wool was passed which prevented the export of wool. With the death penalty introduced for smuggling wool, the legislators of the mean solar day probably saw this as a major deterrent, but if anything, it but fabricated the owlers of Romney Marsh more drastic still. If yous're to hang for smuggling wool, why hesitate to shoot your pursuer?

In the 18th and early 19th centuries smuggling continued to be rife in on the Romney Marsh, both in fact and in the fictional stories of Dr Syn. Spirits, silk, lace, tea, tobacco and such like were smuggled in while tin, graphite and specially wool, were smuggled out.

Smuggling on the Marsh was at its height during the period from 1700 to 1840.

It was the vast open areas of the Romney Marsh, and the quietness and the closeness of the French coast which can exist seen on a articulate day which made the expanse perfect for smuggling.

It was soon though to be a very easy chore to carry out illicit trading, as there would exist very few Revenue men effectually. Most smugglers fished for a living. They knew the Aqueduct very well and would meet the French half way and exchange appurtenances in the darkness to their reward.

Smuggling started way back in the 14th century. Early smugglers were known as Owlers as they just worked at night using the hoot of the owl as a signal. Their task was non so much smuggling in, as smuggling out. Their valuable cargo was wool, being given the name Canterbury wool.

Smugglers Cartoon
Smugglers Cartoon

 The Romney Marsh was a vast sheep rearing surface area and a brusk distance across the Channel. Wool was in demand both hither and abroad, finding its way to Kingdom of the netherlands and Belgium. Prices were very loftier on the Continent.

In the start it started small-scale with family unit and friends. Activities known to the King'south men were often ignored afterward a small sum of payment. Early on smugglers were even looked upon with some amore. By the 18th century things had inverse. The Revenue men were very curt staffed in trying to prevent smuggling and very often when they did make an arrest, juries refused to convict, thus making matters worse.

From the small and harmless beginnings, it grew into a very ruthless and serious threat to law and social club. In the 18th century, having spread throughout Kent and Sussex, this part of Kent was dominated by some of the nearly wicked and ruthless smugglers in the area. They would terminate at aught to achieve their aims. They would even kill family unit or friends as a deterrent if they thought they were a threat.


The harmless fishermen were presently to become thugs, highwaymen and desperadoes. They feared nobody and ran their schemes without interference due to their threat of reprisals. By the 1780's an estimated six chiliad pounds were lost in acquirement.

Coast Blockade Service

The Coast Blockade Service was created in 1816 following the land's huge loss of revenue due to what was then considered by some to be a lack of success past the Customs and Acquirement Services in coping with the smuggling trouble.

At the finish of the Napoleonic Wars in 1815, Captain Joseph McCulloch proposed the cosmos of a unified service to guard the coast of Kent where he was at that time commander of a Imperial Navy ship supporting the Revenue Service. He proposed that the shore patrols, the in-shore water patrol and the off-shore cruiser activity should all exist united under a single command. So in 1816, the Coast Blockade Service was created nether McCulloch'south command on the Kent coastline between Northward Foreland and Dungeness. This proved to be highly successful simply not popular.

Smugglers landing on Romney Marsh
Smugglers landing on Romney Marsh

By 1820 in that location were 6708 officers and men, including 2375 men on 31 Royal Navy ships, operating at a total cost of just nether £521,000. There was considerable scope for confusion and duplication because of the fragmented approach. In 1821 a committee examining the functioning of the Customs recommended the combination of all services (except the Coast Occludent which would remain nether the Admiralty) under the control of the Board of Customs.

The Coastguard Service came into operation in 1822. In 1831 the Coast Blockade was captivated into this new service.

Coastguards served on ships and onshore. Men on shore were moved away from their home location for fear of bunco. Coastguard Stations were equipped with living quarters for married men as well as single quarters. Each station was commanded by a Master Officer (commonly a Royal Navy lieutenant). Beneath him were Chief Boatman, Deputed Boatman, and Boatman ranks. The size of the station determined the number of each rank. Past 1839 at that place were over 4553 Coastguards.​
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'Smugglers' by Anita Walden
Taken from an original watercolour painting by Anita Walden

Churches and Smuggling

Many of the mediaeval churches on the Marsh were involved with smuggling. The churches at Brookland, Ivychurch, Snargate and the isolated Fairfield all made good places for the smugglers to hide their contraband goods earlier their distribution. Obliging Sextons would open up convenient vaults and remove their contents in order to shop brandy, tea, tobacco, silks, laces, fine gloves and many other goods. In one church, the font was used as a hide.

At Ivychurch, function of the flooring of the due north aisle was removable to enable contraband to exist hidden away in the vault beneath. In Dymchurch churchyard there are tombstones to Preventive men and Riding Officers, the constabulary of the day. At Snave, in that location are two tombstones that are believed to be of smugglers.

At Snargate in the 18th and early 19th centuries, a section of the north aisle was sealed off by a sectionalisation and this was ofttimes used as a hiding place. Also in Snargate, there is a painted galleon opposite ane of the doors which, it is said, told the smugglers that the church was a safe hiding place. At New Romney, the ruined church building of Promise All Saints was a smugglers' meeting indicate.

Local Smuggling

The smugglers of the old days were a pitiful and sorry lot. Their crimes were despicable and horrific, yet they thought they were justified, as they were helping to back up the community. They thought themselves higher in condition than, say, the pirate or highwayman, who worked for their own proceeds whereas the smuggler pitted his wits and courage confronting the law. For them, smuggling was the people versus the police force.

Picture of smugglers
Picture of Smugglers

One of the most notorious smuggling gangs ruled throughout Dymchurch and the surrounding area. They were the Aldington gang or the Blues as they were also known. They rose to fame in the nineteenth century.

They worked the coastline from Deal down to Slant in East Sussex. The commencement leader of the gang in the early days was Cephus Quested. They were extremely successful until 11th February 1821, when on a run they came face to face with the occludent men.

Among the dead and wounded two prisoners were captured, Richard Wraight and Quested himself. Wraight was released with no evidence offered. Quested was found guilty to exist hanged. After the battle the gang went its own way for a while.

Ransley was finally betrayed by 2 members of his ain gang; a party of blockade men assisted by a Bow Street runner forced entry to his home and arrested him, and before long rounded up the balance of the gang. On January twelfth 1827 they were brought to trial in Maidstone, accused of murder, smuggling and taking up arms. They were defended past their lawyer from Ashford. They pleaded guilty and were sentenced to hang, the capital punishment being quashed afterward finding out the evidence beingness given incriminated people in high places, a case of saving skin. Ransley and his men were sent to Portsmouth and imprisoned on a hulk for iii months, before beingness transported to Tasmania, never to return. Ransley worked difficult on a prison house farm, afterward being given his own state to piece of work. His family later joined him, and they became quite wealthy and friends of the community.

Galleon painted on the wall
Galleon Painted on the Wall of Snargate Church building

Ransley died of xanthous Jaundice anile 77, and and then fell the mantle on 1 of the biggest gangs, catastrophe an era. Smuggling however exists today but cargoes are far less lethal than in times by

The Smuggling Gangs

The Owling merchandise brought about the very first smuggling gang, based in Mayfield in 1720. Rochester and Faversham prospered from the trade, both legal and illegal. Whitstable was also well known for its smugglers, a street chosen Island Wall existence the centre of their attractions.

Many individual smugglers have earned a place in history. Samuel Jackson, or Slippery Sam every bit he became known, was born in 1730. The son of a smuggler, he lived in Petham, well-nigh Canterbury. Slippery Sam met his end at the age of thirty later being shot in a battle.

Equally free traders became more organised they brutal into two classes, principal men and labourers. The most notorious of these was the Hawkhurst gang. They terrorised and reigned along the cost for several years. One member, thought to be the leader, was Arthur Grey.

The gang operated the coast from Shoreham to the Romney Marsh. In a battle with militia men some members were caught, including Arthur Grey.

Smuggling on the Romney Marsh
Smuggling on the Romney Marsh (ack.eight)

They were all acquitted every bit no evidence was offered. Several of the gang were captured afterwards and taken to trial in 1749. This time they were found guilty and sentenced to vii years transportation.

North Kent gangs worked the coast from Medway to Ramsgate, Reculver being their favourite landing spot. Another famous smuggler, built-in in St Peter's in 1741, was Joss Snelling. He was successful and, equally a result, few of his activities were recorded. In 1769 his gang was involved in a battle which became known as the boxing of Botany Bay.

Eight were captured and injured. Snelling was captured by the Revenue men. On tenth Baronial 1803 he pleaded not guilty, claiming he came across the contraband past hazard. He was released and spent the rest of his life smuggling, forth with his son George and grandson. He was even presented to the time to come Queen Victoria. He died a smuggler, aged 96.

Smuggling thrived in Deal throughout the 18th century. Gin, brandy and tobacco were still being seized as late as 1880. Deal ship builders developed a type of speed boat, the galley. It was long with a small sheet. It made many crossings, which proved plush to the government. In 1784 William Pitt, Prime Minister, ordered the destruction of these boats.  Past 1785 more 400 people were reported to be involved in smuggling within the Dover area. Smugglers were even used by Napoleon for carrying papers, letters and fifty-fifty their spies beyond the Aqueduct.

The Smuggler
'The Smuggler'

More near The Smuggler Gangs

Dr Syn

The Dr Syn is the smuggler hero of a series of novels by Russell Thorndike, which were set in and effectually Dymchurch. For more information please visit our Dr Syn page.

Pictures and Poems

Greatstone resident Anthony Webb has written a number of poems about Romney Marsh, with a master theme of 18th smuggling on the Marsh. All the poems are illustrated, examples above, by diverse artists. You tin read them on our Anthony Webb page.

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